Thursday, February 10, 2011

I'm on a bus!

Ah, the bus. Considering I don’t take busses for my daily transportation, I sure have spent a lot of time on busses. Most of the time if I go to Puebla for the weekend, I take the bus. Which takes anywhere from 5 to 6 hours. Luckily, the busses are really nice. They have comfy seats that recline, they play movies… in fact, on one trip into Puebla it occurred to me that spending the day on the bus wasn’t so bad. Warmth, comfortable chairs, movies… kind of nice. Especially since I don’t watch very many movies at Casa Hogar, and I do sometimes miss having a couch.

So for the most part, being on the bus is pretty relaxing, and when I look out the window, I’m paying much more attention to the scenery than the traffic. However, once on the way to Guadalajara, I noticed that we were turning onto a different freeway… and then I realized that we were facing the wrong way… a glace over to the other side of the bus told me that yes, cars were headed straight at us. (There weren’t very many.) As I watched the cars easily move over to the other lane to accommodate for the bus going the wrong way, I couldn’t help but think that if this were in the US, there would certainly be a wreck! Anyways, then the bus reversed down the freeway a little before crossing the median to the correct side of the road. No one was concerned at all.

All that being said, over vacation I think I had just about reached my limit for time spent on busses. A bus to Puebla, 10 hour bus ride to Guadalajara, then another 10 hours back to Puebla, then 4 hours to Veracruz, then an hour to the site each day in Veracruz, back to Puebla, back to Tlaxiaco. All in all, we’re looking at 50+ hours of bus time within 3 weeks.
And what did I do with all that time? Well....

1. Watch movies
2. Take naps
3. Read
4. Do Sudoku
5. Write in my journal
6. Watch the world go by
7. Talk to the person sitting next to me
8. Eat some snacks
9. Daydream
10. Take pictures at random stops

And there it is, in all its glory...


Check out this fantastically orange bus... with a little live music as well.

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