Saturday, March 5, 2011

Just an update

So, I’m still in Tlaxiaco… lest you think that I spend all my time traveling… not true. The majority of the time I’m here at Casa Hogar. Life is tranquilo, and that’s good. Days go by with a routine that leaves plenty of time for hanging out, reading and playing games. Mostly, the changes happen slowly, but there are some changes…

It is springtime! The peach tree in front of the house is full of pink blossoms. (No peaches until the summer though.. ) When we returned to Casa Hogar in January, there were 8 new baby chicks. And a couple weeks ago, 5 puppies were born! The cold temperatures of November, December and January are gone, and the sun is officially a sol que quema… I got burnt the other day! Normally, at home, I hate the gloom, ugliness and seemingly never-ending days of February and March. It is marvelous to skip right past that with so many signs of new life… and sunshine every day. Of course, it is pretty dry, and last weekend when we passed some fields with alfalfa, and other green growing things, I could hardly tear my eyes away from all that green. I suddenly had an over-whelming desire to be at Lake Sylvia, sitting in the woods, drinking in the ferns, and the moss, and the green-ness!

Once all the schools were finally back in session, we were (and still are) 4 students less than we had during the first semester. Agustin says this happens every year… there are always changes in the middle of the year. One student was assigned to do his servicio in his home town, and there was no need for him to stay at Casa Hogar anymore, one student is now living with her sister in town, one girl moved in with her boyfriend and another student actually got expelled- yikes! We are expecting at least one new student next week, maybe two. Although, we won’t be advertising to fill the girls’ places. Now there are 14 girls, which is good because there are, in fact, only 14 beds in the girls dormitory. At least now, everyone has her own bed. (That being said, it is not uncommon for them to choose to share beds during the cold winter months… but still.)

I am trying to speak in English more with the students. There are a couple students specifically, who really do try and want to learn. It’s hard; I know how long it took before I felt comfortable speaking in Spanish. I notice students are more likely to say things to me in English now, which is definitely a good sign. Although every once and a while someone will still ask me what weekend means even though I ask them every Sunday, how was your weekend? and it is posted in the common room along with possible responses. *sigh* But we’re working on some other things as well… we’ve had a Vocab Bee and will have another one this week, we’re working on phonics as a way to improve pronunciation (and hopefully build confidence as well) and attendance rewards have been given. Over all, I like the way things are going. It feels good to have a plan. The biggest challenge within this setting really is just getting the kids to come. Finding a time that works, and just working around the fact that they are high school students, they have school activities, required volunteer service, homework, chores and tortillas to make.

One of these things is not like the other...


  1. I love the animals!! and the flowers!! :D Jill from cold grey Canada

  2. I love this post...the 'life' at Casa Hogar was one of the impressions I gained in Mexico that will not soon be forgotten. :-)

    I am leaving for Estonia Thursday and plan to get back to lesson plans next week. I will send you an e-mail with more specifics early next week so we can pick back up conversations about all that.

    Love from both Nithin and me to everyone there!! I hope all is well.

